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Children's Smurfette costume, size 10-12 years

Available at 3 working days
33.13 € 27.38 € excl. VAT
Children's Smurfette costume, size 10-12 years
Children's Smurfette costume, size 10-12 years
Availability: Available at 3 working days
Price: 33.13 €

Smurfette costume.

Amazing Smurfette costume for girls - Become the cutest Smurf!

Get ready for incredible fun with all the residents of Smurf Village with this amazing Smurfette costume for girls. Now you can transform into the most beautiful and cutest Smurfette with this complete costume that includes a cute white dress, blue pants, t-shirt and hat especially for Smurfettes.

Smurfette costume parameters:

  • Size: 10 - 12 years
  • Includes: dress, pants, shirt and hat

Description of each part:

Blouse: Long sleeved, combines white and blue, just like the Smurfette in the fairy tale.


Cap: A white cap made of foam material covered with fabric that will perfectly complement the entire Smurfette costume.

Along with the set, you also get a protective cover that will prevent dirt on the costume and extend its life.


What size Smurfette costume should I choose for my daughter?

The Smurfette costume is designed for children ages 10 - 12. We recommend following this age range for optimal sizing.

What material is used to make the costume?

The dress, trousers and shirt are made of high quality and pleasant materials that provide comfort when worn. The cap, on the other hand, is made of foam material covered with fabric.

What are the contents of the package besides the Smurfette costume?

In addition to the Smurfette costume, you also get a protective cover that helps keep the costume clean and protects it from dirt. Plus, you'll get a colouring book for your kids to have even more Smurf-themed fun.

We also invite you to browse our other offerings, where you'll find blue face paint and hats with other Smurf character themes.

Become the irresistible Smurfette and have lots of fun in this amazing costume!


This product is included in: Masks and costumes
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Jak funguje Garance bezplatného vrácení zboží? 

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PNM International s.r.o.
U1 - Průmyslový park Karviná
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