Do you have any questions?
No problem! We are looking forward to them directly. Just write or call us.
Visit us in person or write to us.
Personal pick up of goods from the warehouse
PNM International s.r.o.
U1 - Karviná Industrial Park
Závodní 540/51
735 06 Karviná
Czech Republic
Mo - Fr 8 - 14 h
Postal address
PNM International s.r.o.
Karviná Industrial Park
Závodní 540/51
735 06 Karviná
Czech Republic
We do not accept returned cash on delivery orders
A complete list of return addresses from most of EU countries can be found here
Registered business address
PNM International s.r.o.
Nádražní 385/34
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic
The registered address of the company is not used for personal collection of goods and return of shipments.
Bank account numbers
E.g. for cashless payments before delivery of goods.
Bank account in CZK
Czech koruna account number
2900992016/2010 (FIO Banka)
1102221001/5500 (Raiffeisen Banka)
Bank account in €
NO-SEPA Bank account in € (only for payments within the Czech Republic)
IBAN CZ6920100000002801386686
Bank account in €
Bank account in € (SEPA European payments)
IBAN SK8083300000002801386686
(2801386686/8330) Swift: FIOZSKBA
Company identification information
PNM International s.r.o.
IČ 05060192
DIČ CZ05060192 (we are a VAT payer in the Czech Republic).
The company is a VAT payer in the EU (OSS).
PNM International s.r.o. is registered with Regional Court in Ostrava, under file n. C 66046.