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Glycerol - Glycerin pure anhydrous 99.5% - 6 kg

Glycerine (paint and mass thinner) 6 kg in plastic container.

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Glycerol - Glycerin pure anhydrous 99.5% - 6 kg
Glycerol - Glycerin pure anhydrous 99.5% - 6 kg
Availability: We have in stock 1 pcs
Price: 73.34 €

Glycerine (paint and mass thinner) 6 kg in plastic container.

The name Glycerin is derived from two distinguishing characteristics of glycerol, namely its sweet taste and its considerable viscosity. It is based on the Greek word glykys, Czech for sweet, and the Latin word cera, i.e. wax.

Store dry and cool, protect from direct sunlight.

Photo illustrative, packaging may vary according to current stock availability. 

Packaging: 6 kg

Pure, anhydrous Glycerol, or also Glycerin, is a hygroscopic, colourless, transparent, very thick liquid, without a distinct odour, but with a slightly sweet taste. It is an important organic compound and is a constituent mainly of vegetable fats. Currently, the largest amount of glycerol is produced as a by-product of the industrial processing ( reesterification ) of rapeseed oil.

The specific gravity, i.e. the weight of 1 litre, is about 1.20 kg.

Uses of pure, anhydrous glycerol: In cosmetic products as an additive in moisturizing creams and soaps, as a humectant in toothpastes, in the manufacture of plastics as a plasticizer, in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, various pastes, dyes, in electronic cigarette refills, etc.

In the food industry it is used as an additive for the preparation of beverages and inferior wines, as a sweetener e.g. in whipped cream, as a plasticizer in jelly, chewing gum and other confectionery, etc. As a food ingredient, it is labeled E 422.

Manufacture of disinfectant solution with peroxide:

Preparation of raw materials for 1 liter of solution.

42 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide ( but not necessary for viruses, it only acts on bacteria ).

18 ml of 99.5% glycerine ( glycerol ) - can be additionally substituted for 42 ml of peroxide, it will soften the effect of the solution and increase skin hydration.

110 ml of water for alcohol or 192 ml for isopropyl alcohol.

Stir or shake well in the container.

Description of ingredients:

ALCOHOL 86 - 96% (ethanol) - isopropyl alcohol can be used instead of ethanol.

Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (H2 O2 ) - low concentration of peroxide does not work against viruses, but helps remove spores and bacteria. Do not give more than this, it could damage the skin. It is therefore not necessary for virus eradication. It can then be replaced in the mixture with glycerol for a softer effect.

GLYCEROL99.5% - acts as a hand moisturizer and thickener in the solution. It can be added up to a maximum of 100 g/L to act as a moisturizing agent. Above 10% content ( 100 g / 1 l ) in the solution may dry the skin.

WATER - Distilled water is preferred, but plain tap water will also suffice.

Other Substances and Fragrances - Not recommended. Various fragrances or dyes could cause adverse reactions, including allergies, and reduce the effectiveness of the mixture.

Simple instructions for disinfecting without Peroxide, which may not be there for viruses. 

Preparation of ingredients for 1 liter of Hand and Object Disinfectant Solution:

830 ml of 86-96% technical alcohol

60 ml of 99.5% glycerin

110 ml of pure tap water

Stir or shake well in a container. 

Pure, anhydrous 99.5% glycerol only has a stabilising effect on the product if dried to at least 25% moisture and stored in a cool place up to 10°C. If the mixture contains, for example, at least 5 % salt or real garlic, it will then last without moulding, unwrapped in PVC, in an airy place for about 30 to 60 days. Its greatest advantage, however, is that it can "soften" the product even when partially dried, so that it is still slightly flexible, yet very rigid, but can be pierced with a needle or easily drilled.

Safety precautions: Pure, anhydrous glycerol is slightly toxic in large doses. It causes headaches, stomach upset and vomiting. It can cause liver damage in large doses over a long period of time.

The lowest toxic dose of pure glycerin given orally in humans is 1.5 g/kg of weight, which means that an 80 kg person would have to consciously ingest at least 120 g ( 100 ml) of pure, 99.5% glycerol at one time to show symptoms of poisoning. Glycerin draws moisture from the skin and thus dries it out, so wear gloves when working with glycerol.  If splashed, wash your hands well with water and treat them with a suitable moisturiser! In case of accidental, large ingestion ( see Lowest Toxic Dose ), wash down with milk and induce vomiting or seek medical attention.

Storage and Consumption: Keep Glycerin out of the reach of children! Do not store with food! In tightly sealed bottles, consume within 12 months of purchase at the latest.

Glycerin has not been bottled for food purposes.


Weight 6500 g
Netto váha 6000 g
This product is included in: Sale Edible adhesives
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