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Plastic box multi rectangle wheels 80 l

39.67 € 32.78 € excl. VAT
Plastic box multi rectangle wheels 80 l
Plastic box multi rectangle wheels 80 l
Availability: Available at 3 - 5 days
Price: 39.67 €

High storage box with wheels is suitable for cleaning bedding, toys. Thanks to its mobility you can easily move it, use the free space. Clips for tight closure. Material: plastic. Dimensions: volume 80 l, 67x43x36 cm.

Tall transparent storage box - store elegantly and practically

This tall transparent storage box is a great tool for your home, workshop or patio. Its 80 litre capacity provides plenty of space for storing toys, board games, clothes, bedding, gardening supplies or tools. It's a practical and stylish solution for storing the things you need to keep handy but tidy at the same time.


  • Made from strong plastic to ensure long life
  • Transparent design makes it easy to locate stored items
  • With two sturdy clip-on lids that ensure the contents are securely closed
  • With 6 handy castors, making it easy to move the box


  • Collection.
  • Material: plastic
  • Closure/lid: yes
  • Lid/closure material: plastic
  • Length: 67 cm
  • Width: 43 cm
  • Height: 36 cm
  • Capacity: 80 l
  • Weight: 2790 g
  • Shape: rectangle
  • Use: for bedding, for toys
  • Features: clip closure, with wheels

Frequently asked questions and answers

Is this box suitable for outdoor use?

Yes, this box is made of strong plastic that is weather resistant and can be used outdoors.

How much weight can this box carry?

This box can carry a weight of up to 80 kg.

Is this box stackable?

Yes, this box is foldable and can easily be folded into a smaller space when not in use.


Weight 2790 g
Volume 80000 ml
Material Plastic
This product is included in: Uskladnění Boxes and bags
Hobby Life

The Hobby Life brand is manufactured by the Turkish company Demirel Plastics and Mold Industry. The plastics company specializing in quality and modern products was founded in 1990 and currently supplies its goods to more than 75 countries around the world. The Hobby Life range specialises in plastic storage boxes for the home. Hobby Life storage boxes are health-safe and feature a practical and modern sophisticated design. The plastic boxes are suitable for food contact. The smaller ones can be washed in the dishwasher and can also be used in the microwave, Each model includes a sticker with pictograms, follow the pictograms.

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U1 - Průmyslový park Karviná
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