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Fine potato starch Solamyl

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Fine potato starch Solamyl
Fine potato starch Solamyl
Availability: Unavailable
Price: 2.19 € 2.35 € -7%

Potato starch from the traditional producer Dr. Oetker.


Fine potato starch Solamyl from Dr. Oetker is a traditional product and is very versatile: you can use it to refine pies and desserts, to thicken fruit juices and to cook meals of Asian cuisine. 

Solamyl can also be used for dusting surfaces under covering pastes when working with it instead of icing or caster sugar.

Recipe: Banana cupcakes

Dough ingredients:

Ingredients for decoration:

You will also need a muffiny tray and silicone or paper cupcake cases

Instructions: To make the dough whip egg white with a pinch of salt with an electric blender at top gear to make them fluffy and firm and then add half the sugar gradually. Peel the bananas slice them, add egg yolks, butter or margarine, oil and the rest of the sugar and whip with an electric blender at top gear until it is light and foamy. Mix together flour, solamyl and baking powder and stir it carefully and into the mixture alternately with milk. Add the whipped egg whites and pour into the paper cases. Put in a pre-heated oven and bake. Decorate after baking.

Electric oven: 180°C

Fan oven: b

Baking time: approximately 30 min.

Recipe: fluffy sponge cake


  • 250 g butter
  • 250 g sugar
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 300 g plain flour
  • 100 g Solamyl
  • 1/2 packet of baking powder
  • 200 ml mik

Whip butter, sugar, vanilla sugar and eggs into a foamy consistency with an electric blender. Mix flour, Solamyl and baking powder and add carefully into the sponge mix together with milk. Pour the dough into a greased and flour lined sponge cake tin and bake in a pre-heated oven at 175 °C (electric oven) for about 50 minutes. Leave to cool and serve.

Allergy advice: This product can contain/contains the following allergens (based on the EU regulation no. 1169/2011): wheat flour, oat flakes, milk, eggs, lupin flour, nuts.

Ingredients: corn starch

Weight: 200 g

Energy per 100g: 1367 kJ/322 kcal Fats: 0.2g of which saturated: 0.0g Carbohydrates: 79.9g of which sugars: 0.0g Protein: 0.1g Salt: 0.00g


Weight 200 g
This product is included in: Sale Ingredients and seasonings
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