Paper cupcakes for muffins and cupcakes stars - 50 pcs
House of Marie white baking cupcakes - with gold star pattern
These white House of Marie baking cupcakes are the perfect addition to any home. With their beautiful gold star pattern, they bring not only practicality but also style and elegance to your kitchen. They're great for baking during the holidays, when you can brighten up your sweet treats with a star pattern.
Made from extra heavy quality paper
Our baking cupcakes are made from extra heavy quality paper to ensure excellent baking results. During the baking process, the paper retains its shape and colour, so your cakes will look great. The durable paper also makes it easy to remove the cakes from the cupcakes and fill them into the baking trays.
Includes 50 baking cupcakes
The pack contains a total of 50 baking cupcakes, giving you plenty of supplies for your next culinary adventure. Let your creativity run wild and create beautiful cookies, cakes or muffins for your family and friends.
Size of baking cups: approx. 5.1 cm in diameter
These baking cups are approx. 5.1 cm in diameter, which is the ideal size for most standard muffins and cakes. This makes the cups easy to use and adapt to different types of baking.
Frequently asked questions:
What is the material of these baking cups?
House of Marie baking cups are made of extra heavy quality paper.
Can the cups be used for savoury foods?
Yes, these baking cups can be used for sweet as well as savoury baking. They will be a great addition for your muffins, but also for mini quiches or savoury corpuses.
How easy is it to take the cakes out of these cupcakes?
The durable paper makes removing cakes from these cupcakes very easy. Just gently squeeze the cup and the cake is easily released without damage.
What mold do you recommend for use with these baking cups?
For optimal results, we recommend using baking dishes in combination with a muffin tin. This will guarantee a firm shape and perfect baking of your desserts.
Weight | 34 g |
This product is included in: | Cupcakes for larger muffins For baking For muffins and cupcakes |

House of Marie is a Dutch brand of baked muffin and cupcake cups and napkins. They are made in Western Europe, exclusively from high quality European paper. Food-safe ink is used to print the cupcakes and paper napkins. The materials meet the strict quality standards of the US FDA and European safety standards (ISEGA certified).
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Nepadlo vám zboží "do ruky"? Koupili jste příliš mnoho nebo se nehodí barevný odstín? Nevadí. Díky našemu programu Garance bezplatného vrácení zboží můžete vaši zásilku vrátit v klasické lhůtě 14 dní od okamžiku, kdy jste ji obdrželi a to zcela bezplatně jednou. A je jedno, zda zcela odstupujete od smlouvy, vracíte jen část objednávky nebo třeba reklamujete.
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