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Madagascar Vanilla Cream 1l

Boubon Vanilla Cream Souce with Madagascar vanilla extract. Vanilla sauce with premium cream for your unsurpassed creations.

Detailed Product Description
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Madagascar Vanilla Cream 1l
Madagascar Vanilla Cream 1l
Availability: Available at 3 weeks
Price: 4.24 €

Boubon Vanilla Cream Souce with Madagascar vanilla extract. Vanilla sauce with premium cream for your unsurpassed creations.

Offer your visitors, customers and friends the best taste of real Madagascar Bourbon vanilla. The precisely balanced vanilla flavor, with a subtle sweetness and the taste of premium cream, is ready to serve anytime, hot or cold. Thermostable in a convenient package with a cap.

Interesting fact: Do you know why the variety of vanilla used to make this particular cream is called "Bourbon Vanilla"? Don't worry, it has nothing to do with America's favorite alcoholic beverage. Its more familiar and commercial name, "Bourbon Vanilla" or Bourbon Vanilla, is derived from the former French colony, the island of Bourbon ( Île Bourbon, now Reunion, where it was first cultivated. The Bourbon in the island's name is then in memory of the royal family that ruled France from the 16th century and other countries from the 18th century. To this day, descendants of this family still live in Spain or Luxembourg.

Ingredients: Cream, sugar, modified starch, Bourbon vanilla extract, glucose syrup, emulsifier mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural flavor, salt, ground vanilla bean, thickener carrageenan, coloring vegetable concentrate (turmeric, paprika).


Content: 1 liter


Vanilla Ice Cream and Blueberry Parfait

Parfait: Mix egg whites with sugar and heat over a water bath (50-55°C). Once heated, whisk until foamy. Blend the blueberries and mix them with part of the snow and part of the whipped cream. Add the rest of the cream and snow, stirring thoroughly but briefly. Fill into frozen bowls or moulds and leave to freeze.

Serve frozen with vanilla cream and vanilla ice cream. Can be garnished with fresh blueberries.


Weight 1000 g
Netto váha 1000 g
Volume 1000 ml
Flavour (aroma) Vanilka
This product is included in: Mixtures and preparations
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