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Baking tin Bavaria rondo cake

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Baking tin Bavaria rondo cake
Baking tin Bavaria rondo cake
Availability: Unavailable
Price: 54.59 €

A baking tin Bavaria for baking a rondo cake

A beautiful baking tin Bavaria for an excellent rondo sponge cake or a meat dish.

Our exclusive baking tins from robust cast aluminium offer unique performance and results when baking. Thanks to its excellent heat conductivity of its robust sides, the dishes get baked evenly and they obtain beautiful details. The special heat-reflective exterior and premium non-stick surface guarantees excellent results when baking, beautiful surface and finer details than classic tins.

These unique tins and pan are ideal for example for baking bread, muffins, sponge cakes, cakes but also for making chocolate, meat and other dishes. Enjoy your baking with this premium line of Nordic Ware baking tins.

The dishes are easily released from the tins. While baking, set the temperature approximately by 15°C  lower than stated in the recipe. Thanks to the special heat conductivity properties of the tin it is not necessary to heat the oven up to high temperatures.

Made in the USA.

Diameter: 23 cm, content: 2.5 litre


This product is included in: Cake forms Sale Luxury forms
Nordic Ware

The family-owned company Nordic Ware was founded in 1946. The company's founder, Henry David Dalquist, made his first baking mould in 1950 and today millions of people around the world can bake their original cakes thanks to him. Nordic Ware baking moulds are used by over 60 million people and have been passed down from generation to generation. To honor the inventions of this famous brand, November 15 has been designated as International Baking Day in America. Nordic Ware is an innovative manufacturer that has won numerous awards, prestigious prizes and holds many patents for its inventions. We are honoured to be able to offer these exceptional products to customers in the Czech Republic.

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