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Fine corn starch Gustin

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Fine corn starch Gustin
Fine corn starch Gustin
Availability: Unavailable
Price: 3.38 €

Pure corn starch with a 100 year old traditional recipe from Dr. Oetker.


Fine corn starch Gustin is a traditional product from Dr.Oetker having been produced since 1898.

Over 100 years this product has been a favourite product of cooks for its versatile usage, for example for softening pies and cakes, for thickening soups and sauces, for making cake fillings.

For softening sponge batter you can substitute c. 1/3 of the flour with the corn starch Gustin, for thickening sauces mix 700 ml of fluids with c. 50 g of starch, previously mixed with 50 ml of water and leave to simmer for 3 minutes.

Corn starch Gustin can also be used for dusting surfaces under covering pastes instead of special dusting caster sugar.

Recipe: Fluffy sponge batter

Try to substitute a part of the flour in the sponge batter with corn starch Gustin and you will see how beautifully fluffy the batter will be.

Instructions: in a bowl whip sugar with eggs, add flour mixed with baking powder and Gustin corn starch and bake. 

Recipe: Quark cheese filling baked together with the dough

Try to bake a favourite Czech dessert Mischa


  • 750 g quark cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 30 g sugar
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar
  • 50 ml rum or rum aroma essence
  • 250 ml cold milk 
  • 50 g Gustin

Instructions: mix everything well, spread on the sponge base and bake

Recipe: Fine and crunchy Cream puffs

Bake two sheets from puff pastry.

Egg yolk buttercream - ingredients: 

  • 1 l milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar
  • 80 g Gustin
  • 250 g butter
  • 150 g icing sugar
  • 250 ml whipping cream 

Instructions: To make the egg yolk buttercream mix 1/4 l milk, egg yolks, vanilla sugar and Gustin, add to 3/4 l of boiling milk and cook a thick cream. Leave to cool, stirring occasionally. Take softened butter and beat it with icing sugar until fluffy and add the cooled cream bit by bit. Whip the cream. Spread the cream filling on one sheet of the puff dough, spread the whipped cream on tom and cover with the other sheet. You can ice the top with chocolate icing. Leave the cream puff to set until the following day. Cut into sections.

Allergy advice: This product may contain/contains the following allergens (in compliance with the EU Food Information Regulation 1169/2011): wheat flower, oat flakes, milk, egg, lupin flour, nuts.

Ingredients: corn starch

Weight: 200 g

Nutritional information per 100g
Energy 1371 kJ/323 kcal
Protein 0.4g
Carbohydrates 80g
Fat 0.1g



Weight 200 g
Netto váha 200 g
This product is included in: Ingredients and seasonings
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