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Marine and beef collagen 25x12g Raspberry

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Marine and beef collagen 25x12g Raspberry
Marine and beef collagen 25x12g Raspberry
Availability: Unavailable
Price: 44.12 €

100% two-component high quality bovine and fish collagen with hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and zinc for tissue growth and repair. Thanks to enzymatic cleavage, the collagen hydrolysate particles are fine (2.5-4 kDa) and can therefore be easily absorbed and dissolved.

Woldohealth two-component collagen contains 85% certified bovine collagen from free-ranging cattle in Denmark type I (53%) and III (47%) of 3000 kDa and 15% marine collagen type I of 2000 kDa from free-caught cod from France.

Collagen is an essential building block of our bodies and is essential for the nourishment of bones, joints, muscles, hair, nails, teeth and recovery after sport. Type I collagen is found in bones and skin, while type III collagen is found in nerve tissue and muscle cells.

For ease of use, collagen is divided into 25 packets of 12 g, which is the recommended daily dose. Dissolve raspberry or lemonade-flavoured collagen in 300-400 ml of pure water. Collagen dissolves easily without lumps and is recommended to be taken in the morning or during the day.

Woldohealth two-component collagen with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C, an essential building block for our body

Collagen is the most important protein in our body and plays a key role in the formation of tissues, bones, cartilage, skin, hair, nails and the digestive system. It forms the connective tissue that supports the healthy structure of the entire body. It is composed of essential amino acids and makes up to 30% of the protein in the entire body.

Approximately 28 different types can be found in our body, but the first three types are the most important. Collagen I and III are beneficial for strong healthy bones, nails, skin and hair. They also have an effect on muscle growth and fat burning. Sufficient collagen is essential for the cohesion of tissues and organs, which it gives elasticity, hydration, resilience and promotes their proper functioning.

Our body can naturally make collagen, but negative factors such as excessive sweetening, UV radiation, autoimmune disorders and the aging process reduce its levels. Therefore, it is recommended to supply collagen externally through dietary supplements and to consume foods that support its natural production (oily fish, eggs, citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, nuts).

With regular use, skin elasticity can be sustainably increased:

  • promotes proper joint function
  • increases skin elasticity
  • helps to improve the condition of the intestines
  • helps improve memory function
  • helps reduce cholesterol levels
  • detoxifies the body and supports proper liver function
  • promotes hair growth and strengthens nails

Why combine collagen with hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and zinc?

Collagen and hyaluronic acid improve the quality of the skin, nails, hair, joints and musculoskeletal system. Their combination enhances the effect on our body. We are able to make both substances naturally, but as we age, their production decreases until it stops. Their loss negatively affects the skin, teeth, joints and tendons. That's why experts recommend that they be supplied externally from about age 25.

Vitamin C is an important vitamin that helps the nervous and immune systems to function properly. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals. It supports our body's own collagen production to maintain the function of blood vessels, bones, joints and skin.

Zinc is one of the key minerals, playing a role in over 300 biochemical reactions from digestion, nerve function to immune cell development. It is also important for skin health and protein production.

The recommended daily dose of collagen should range from 10,000 to 20,000 mg, depending on the degree of joint damage. Experts recommend starting at the highest level for the fastest saturation of connective tissues and to kick-start the regenerative processes. The recommended daily dose of hyaluronic acid is not set, it is stated in the range of 200-1000 mg, according to the latest studies the recommended amount is 240 mg of hyaluronic acid. The recommended dose of zinc is set at 15 mg, the maximum permissible amount in a daily dose is 25 mg.

How to choose the best quality collagen?

There are three types of collagen products available on the Czech market, beef, pork and fish. Our two-component collagen contains beef and fish or marine collagen in a ratio of 85:15.

When choosing, we recommend looking at the origin of the collagen, especially whether it is free-range, as it is of the highest quality. Woldohealth collagen comes from certified free-range cattle in Denmark and free-range cod in Norway.

The product has been produced and tested under pharmaceutical conditions in Germany.


Netto váha 300 g
This product is included in: Gelatine
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