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Pastry cupcakes with lid - 45 pcs

Paper cupcake and muffin cups with foil transparent lid. Set contains at least 45 cupcakes and lids.

Detailed Product Description
We have in stock > 5 pcs
Common price 19.42 €
14.97 € 12.37 € excl. VAT
Pastry cupcakes with lid - 45 pcs
Pastry cupcakes with lid - 45 pcs
Availability: We have in stock > 5 pcs
Price: 14.97 € 19.42 € -23%

Paper cupcake and muffin cups with foil transparent lid. Set contains at least 45 cupcakes and lids.

Introducing a set of paper cupcake and muffin cups with a foil clear lid, perfect for any baking lover. Each set contains a minimum of 45 cupcakes and lids, so you have plenty of supplies for all your culinary projects.

These cupcakes are made from a combination of aluminum foil, baking paper and plastic wrap, giving them strength and durability. They have a bottom diameter of 5 cm and a top diameter of 6.8 cm, while the height of each cupcake is 3.9 cm. The design in coffee brown with a golden hue adds elegance and style.

These foil cupcakes have a round shape and are heat resistant, withstanding temperatures up to 250°C. Place the mini bundt mould directly into the oven and microwave, fryer and steam pot and use. Convenient and practical to use.

Please note: Do not place the cupcakes directly on the fire!

These pastry baking cupcakes are easy to use, you can decorate the baked cupcake directly with cream or frosting and cover with the lid.

The finished cupcakes can be stored in the fridge to keep the cupcakes fresh. You don't need an additional cupcake container.

Please note: The transparent lid is not heat resistant. Allow the cupcake to cool before putting the lid on.

With these cupcakes you can bake not only muffins and cupcakes, but also cookies, panna cotta, brownies, fruit tarts or mini cakes. Their volume of approx. 30 ml is ideal for small desserts that will look great at any party, family celebration, wedding, picnic or even Christmas baking.

These baking cupcakes therefore bring a combination of style, practicality and versatility that is essential for anyone who loves to bake and wants to present their creations in the best light.

  • Material.
  • Diameter of the bottom of the cup: 5 cm
  • Top diameter 6,8 cm
  • Height: 3,9 cm
  • Volume: approx. 30 ml
  • Style: brown coffee + gold


Weight 190 g
This product is included in: Cupcakes for larger muffins
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My vám mailem zašleme zpětný lístek do Zásilkovny, ten pak nalepte na zásilku a doneste do nejbližšího místa osobního odběru. Jejich seznam najdete zde. Balíček s nalepeným lístkem jednoduše přineste a na naše náklady jej dopravíme k nám do centrálního skladu. 

Po doručení zboží (obvykle do týdne), vám zasíláme nové zboží nebo peníze na účet napsaný na vámi zaslaném formuláři. 

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PNM International s.r.o.
U1 - Průmyslový park Karviná
Závodní 540/51
735 06 Karviná - Nové Město

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