Edible Food Colour Oil Blend Candy 20 ml
Colour Mill Oil Blend - light pink, 20 ml - edible food colour.
Colour Mill Oil Blend - light pink, 20 ml - edible food colour.
Introducing Colour Mill Oil Blend, the revolutionary solution for achieving perfect, vibrant and bold colours in your baking! Its unique oil texture allows the colour to disperse evenly in all fatty mediums such as sugar, eggs and butter, guaranteeing great results.
Key Features:
- 100% oil base: perfect for fat-rich media.
- High concentration: less is more, just a drop is enough for intense color.
- UV resistant formula.
- Suitable for a variety of applications.
- E171-free: safe and health-friendly formula.
- 20 ml, with practical squeeze dispenser.
Idealfor decorating cakes, cupcakes, macaroons and other confectionery products. Easy to use with fast and even results.
Instructions for use. Colours develop over time, so it is recommended to let them rest for full effect. Store in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight.
Make your baking more enjoyable with Colour Mill Oil Blend - for colours that make a difference!
Use the Colour Mill range of oil-based food colours to achieve flawless, vibrant and beautifully bold colours on your cakes. Colour Mill oil blends allow the colour to disperse in all parts of the fat-rich medium, including sugar, eggs and butter. This is because all water-based materials have been removed and replaced with oils suitable for baking and cakes; these oils blend much better than water-based gels (which we know repel oils when baking).
Unlike conventional gel colourings, Colour Mill Oil Blend likes the fats and oils found in your baking and uses them to disperse the special colouring formula. The result is amazingly vibrant, rich and consistent shades that won't fade. It's especially great in buttercreams, Swiss meringues, chocolate, cake batter, ganache and sugar pastes. It also works in floral pastes, gumpaste, modelling pastes, marzipan, cake mixes, confectionery fondants, icings, isomalt, piping gel, cake lace mixes and more.
Not only will your cakes look amazing, but Colour Mill will also help you get more colour for your money. The high concentration means you'll use much less than usual, giving you even brighter and more colourful results. It only takes a small drop to create the shade you want - we recommend using the end of a cocktail stick.
Using more drops will increase the intensity of the colour and using less will create more subtle shades. Slowly build up the colour as you mix the batter to achieve the desired shade.
There are over 50 different colours to choose from, with each bottle containing 20ml.
The bottle comes with a squeeze dispenser cap for greater accuracy. Mill paint can be diluted with alcohol to create an edible colour. Please note that due to the oil content of the paints, they may take longer than average to dry.
Weight | 30 g |
This product is included in: | Colors for chocolate Food colors and pigments |
Garance bezplatného vrácení zboží
Nepadlo vám zboží "do ruky"? Koupili jste příliš mnoho nebo se nehodí barevný odstín? Nevadí. Díky našemu programu Garance bezplatného vrácení zboží můžete vaši zásilku vrátit v klasické lhůtě 14 dní od okamžiku, kdy jste ji obdrželi a to zcela bezplatně jednou. A je jedno, zda zcela odstupujete od smlouvy, vracíte jen část objednávky nebo třeba reklamujete.
Jak funguje Garance bezplatného vrácení zboží?
- Pokud reklamujete (např. poškozené zboží) - nejprve si prosím vytiskněte a vyplňte tento reklamační protokol - reklamace se řídí mj. reklamačním řádem
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