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Alternative cleaning tablets for coffee machine - economical pack 260 pcs

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Alternative cleaning tablets for coffee machine - economical pack 260 pcs
Alternative cleaning tablets for coffee machine - economical pack 260 pcs
Availability: Unavailable
Price: 32.93 €

Cleaning tablets for full-automatic coffee machines, coffee machines, espresso machines.Compatible with Jura, Miele, Krups, Melitta, Seaco, Siemens, Nivona, Nespresso, Philips, Delonghi, WMF, Bosch. Thorough cleaning of coffee and espresso machines is a good alternative to overly expensive original cleaning tablets. Thorough cleaning of coffee machines, espresso machines, capsule machines and full automatic machines. Coffee cleaner tablets 2g for general office, catering, household use .

Cleaning tablets for fully automatic coffee machines, coffee machines, espresso machines compatible with Jura, Miele, Krups, Melitta, Seaco, Siemens, Nivona, Nespresso, Philips, Delonghi, WMF, Bosch.

Thorough cleaning of coffee and espresso machines is a good alternative to overly expensive original cleaning tablets. Protect your equipment from coffee oils and coffee fats.

The cleaning tablets are suitable for thorough cleaning of coffee machines, espresso machines, capsule and full-automatic machines can be easily cleaned.

Always follow the cleaning tablet manufacturer's instructions. Cleaning tablet weighing 2g for general office, catering, household use.

Cleaning tablets for coffee machines and coffee machines remove coffee fats and coffee oils from the machine. A cheap and quality solution for all fully automatic machines. Compatible with Bosch, Krups, Siemens, Delonghi, Jura, WMF, Nivona, Miele coffee machines. Melitta, Nespresso, Tassimo, Saeco. The cleaning tablets can be used in any coffee machine.

Coffee beans in particular contain coffee waxes and oils that can clog the coffee machine. Regular care of the coffee machine is important to prevent deposits from building up. The cleaning tablet can be inserted into the groove or into the powder compartment. The 2 g, 15 mm diameter tablets remove dirt and protect the machine parts.

General questions and answers about cleaning the coffee machine:

Can I also use WoldoClean cleaning tablets for my fully automatic coffee machine?

The cleaning tablets are compatible with all machines such as Siemens, Jura, Seaco, Delonghi, Nirvona, Miele, Philips WMF*.

The tablets do not dissolve well, what can I do about it?

This is normal, the cleaning process for fully automatic coffee machines usually takes between 20 and 30 minutes, so the tablet should dissolve slowly to keep the liquid working while cleaning.

How can I use the cleaning tablets with the machine?

We recommend that you always follow the manufacturer's recommended instructions. If you can't find any information about this, place the cleaning tablet in the powder compartment or cleaning tablet slot of a fully automatic machine and then start the cleaning process. If you do not have a tablet compartment, dissolve the tablet in 250 ml of warm water. Then allow the fully automatic machine to flow the cleaning fluid. Then repeat the process with clean water to rinse the machine.

How often do I need to clean my Siemens or Jura coffee machine?

Jura machines require cleaning after approximately 200-250 coffees or approximately 80 rinses. The maintenance interval therefore depends on the usage. This is similar to the Siemens machines. Depending on the usage, many Siemens automatic machines automatically indicate when the machine needs to be cleaned or descaled.

Can I also use it to clean my Siemens EQ 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 coffee machine?

Our cleaning tablets are compatible with Siemens EQ series fully automatic machines. This means that cleaning processes can be carried out without any problems. With the Calc'nClean function, the coffee machine usually indicates automatic cleaning. Alternatively, you can also boil the brewing unit with clean water every 2 weeks and then clean it with the cleaning tablet.

Are cleaning tablets suitable for descaling?

Descaling is different from cleaning. The lime is released from the hot water pipe during descaling. Cleaning with cleaning tablets removes coffee grounds, coffee oils and other contaminants from the brewing group. For descaling, we recommend descaling tablets or a liquid descaler to remove limescale deposits in the machine.

How can I use the tablets? Where are they located?

Each coffee machine has a slot or opening in which the projections must be filled (manual) and at what time period it is cleaned. Each machine has its own system. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions in the instruction manual. When descaling, the descaling tablets are usually dissolved in the water tank with water. The descaling process then starts automatically on many machines.

WoldoClean Cleaning Tablets for Coffee Machines as a Cheap Alternative to Expensive Manufacturers

  • Cleaning tablets will suck out the heaviest coffee fats and oils with a developed formula.
  • Regular use of cleaning tablets ensures long life and energy efficiency of the coffee machine. Because limestone can increase energy consumption by up to 30%.
  • Easy and safe to use and guarantees easy, fast and long-lasting cleaning.
  • WoldoClean cleaning tablets leave no residue. After cleaning and then rinsing the machine, your coffee is safe.
  • Our packaging is recyclable and thus has a low environmental impact.
  • Easy tablet dispensing.
  • Due to the size and weight of the cleaning tablets, they are suitable for all common models.

Applications for full-size coffee machines and coffee machines with automatic cleaning program


Applications and Instructions for Cleaning Lever Machines or Drip Machines


Dissolve the tablet

Dissolve the cleaning tablet in 100 ml of hot water and fill the cleaning solution into a water tank with approximately 400 to 500 ml of warm water.

Fill the water tank with the liquid

If your capsule machine or lever machine has a cleaning program, please note the individual steps and manufacturer's instructions.

Start by Cleaning or Rinsing

Allow all the liquid to flow through the machine and wait 5-10 minutes. Then empty the cup of liquid.

Fill the water reservoir with clean water and rinse

Fill the water reservoir with clean water. Then rinse the entire machine with 1-2 reservoirs of clean water.

Your machine is now cleaned. Enjoy your coffee!

Everything you need to know about WoldoClean

WoldoClean is a leading manufacturer in the cleaning products industry, specializing in online trading. Since our foundation in 2007, we have introduced a constantly growing portfolio of products for everything related to household cleaning. While looking for alternatives to products from expensive manufacturers, we are constantly working to improve our products and add value for our customers. More than 1.1 million customers in the commercial and private customer sector across Europe. For other cleaning products, we also strive to make cleaning easier in the home and office with quality ingredients. Whether descaling tablets, liquid descalers or other household cleaners, quality and price are the added value we would like to offer our customers.


Weight 540 g
Country of origin Německo
This product is included in: Coffee machine cleaning

Německá značka WoldoClean je předním evropským výrobcem v oblasti čisticích prostředků. Od svého založení v roce 2007 představujeme neustále rostoucí portfolio produktů pro všechno, co se týká čištění domácnosti. Při hledání alternativ k výrobkům drahých výrobců neustále pracujeme na vylepšení produktů a přidané hodnotě pro naše zákazníky. Více než 1,1 milionu zákazníků v obchodním a soukromém sektoru zákazníků z celé Evropy. Také u ostatních čisticích prostředků se snažíme usnadnit čištění v domácnosti a kanceláři pomocí kvalitních ingrediencí. Bez ohledu na to, zda odvápňovací tablety, tekuté odvápňovací prostředky nebo jiné čisticí prostředky pro domácnost, jsou kvalita a cena přidanou hodnotou, kterou bychom chtěli nabídnout našim zákazníkům.

Na stránkách Světa cukrářů najdete část sortimentu značek Woldo, vše za skvělé ceny. V případě zájmu o další výrobky této značky, které nevidíte aktuálně na našem webu, nás kontaktujte

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Garance bezplatného vrácení zboží

Nepadlo vám zboží "do ruky"? Koupili jste příliš mnoho nebo se nehodí barevný odstín? Nevadí. Díky našemu programu Garance bezplatného vrácení zboží můžete vaši zásilku vrátit v klasické lhůtě 14 dní od okamžiku, kdy jste ji obdrželi a to zcela bezplatně jednou. A je jedno, zda zcela odstupujete od smlouvy, vracíte jen část objednávky nebo třeba reklamujete. 

Jak funguje Garance bezplatného vrácení zboží? 

  • Pokud reklamujete (např. poškozené zboží) - nejprve si prosím vytiskněte a vyplňte tento reklamační protokol - reklamace se řídí mj. reklamačním řádem
  • Pokud odstupujete od smlouvy do 14 dní od obdržení zásilky - vytiskněte si prosím a vyplňte formulář, který najdete zde.

Balíček spolu s vyplněným formulářem pečlivě zabalte, tak, ať nedojde k poškození při přepravě a napište nám mailem na nebo zavolejte v pracovní dny od 8  do 16 na tel 555 222 801.

My vám mailem zašleme zpětný lístek do Zásilkovny, ten pak nalepte na zásilku a doneste do nejbližšího místa osobního odběru. Jejich seznam najdete zde. Balíček s nalepeným lístkem jednoduše přineste a na naše náklady jej dopravíme k nám do centrálního skladu. 

Po doručení zboží (obvykle do týdne), vám zasíláme nové zboží nebo peníze na účet napsaný na vámi zaslaném formuláři. 

V případě, že nechcete využít služby Garance bezplatného vrácení výrobku, zašlete prosím zásilku na adresu:

PNM International s.r.o.
U1 - Průmyslový park Karviná
Závodní 540/51
735 06 Karviná - Nové Město

Tel pro kurýra/poštu: 603 33 77 55

Zásilky nezasílejte jako dobírku, nevyžádané dobírky nepřijímáme a proces vrácení by se vám tak zbytečně prodražil.

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