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White Icing Callebaut 7 kg

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White Icing Callebaut 7 kg
White Icing Callebaut 7 kg
Availability: We have in stock 2 pcs
Price: 97.66 €

White Icing (White Decor Paste) from Callebaut is a ready-made product for final processing - modelling, coating of shells. Base colour polar white, vanilla-lemon flavour. The product does not get wet, perfect also for making decorations in silicone moulds.

The popular White Icing coating has won the hearts of confectioners and pastry chefs for its properties - simple processing, pure white colour which can be easily tinted with food colours if necessary, and above all its ability not to crumble or mould in ordinary refrigerators.

White Icing - a reliable paste for beginners and professionals alike

For beginner pastry chefs making coated cakes with modelling compounds, we present the popular all-purpose modelling compound White Icing. This modelling compound has a long tradition and is used by pastry professionals all over Europe. White Icing is the market leader in modelling compounds. It is currently offered under the name White Decor Paste.

This modelling paste has many advantages that will be appreciated by all manufacturers and end consumers. White Icing is mainly a flexible, elastic modelling compound of versatile use. Need to coat your wedding cake with extra white icing? Then this is where you can use its polar whiteness. White Icing is very elastic and so you can coat with the mass rolled out to a weaker strength - here it depends what colour the body and fillings are. If the body is dark or the fillings are dark, cover the sides by applying masking white icing and then wrap the cake with modelling compound. With this fondant - White Icing - you will appreciate that the fondant does not get wet in the refrigerator.

The coated cake is further decorated. As is the custom of the Czech nation, it is best that all decorations are edible. The White Icing modelling compound also meets these criteria. Making fine ruffles and lace is no problem. Modelled details can be easily waved with modelling blocks and perfected with fine hole punches. Therefore, you can work on a dessert coated with White Icing in advance - this applies especially to small decorations that do not contain fat fillings. In short, it is no problem to use White Icing to create flowers, figures and small decorations for stock to use in finishing.

The most common classic, however, is modelled flowers. White Icing is also excellent for these decorations. Using the flower petal and leaf cutters, you will assemble beautiful roses, calla lilies, orchids, lilies, bells, hibiscus, etc... In short, you can create all sorts of flowers with this modelling clay while keeping the time sequence. For those less skilled in modelling we also offer the possibility of purchasing silicone moulds where you can press this modelling material and create flowers, bows, figures and other necessary edible decorations in a short time. Of course, the flowers are coloured - no problem to colour the White Icing. There is a large range of colours to dye White Icing, creams and glazes. You can choose both gel and powder colours and those with both classic and pearlescent gloss. Drawing on cake surfaces has also become fashionable lately. This modelling paste is also suitable for this type of decorating. The modelling compound dries in a short period of time and creates the necessary stiff, non-greasy surface on which you can draw with a brush or food markers. The dry surface of White Icing can also be successfully used to apply decorations using stencils - for the uninitiated: these are so-called "sifting stencils". The shape carved out in the stencils using paint, sugar or glaze leaves a decoration on the modelling material. If you are not a fan of coloured modelling materials and still insist on colour, there is the possibility to colour the decorations made from White Icing with spray paints. A fine application of spray paint creates another interesting variant, the flowers are shaded.

This modelling clay is available in larger packs for professional use in 7 kg packages and for beginner confectioners in a kilo pack. White Icing has a long shelf life, so even if you buy a large pack and keep it in an airtight container, you can have White Icing on hand at all times.

White Icing will make it easy for even beginner pastry chefs to work with modelling compounds and get them excited about its creativity. Not every modelling compound has as many advantages as White Icing.

Packaging 7 kg


Weight 7000 g
Netto váha 7000 g
Color White
This product is included in: Coating materials (fondant) Modeling materials Sale Gastrobalení

Average nutritional values in 100 g

Energy value 1631 kJ
Energy value 390 kcal
Fat 4.9 g
- of which saturated fatty acids 4 g
Carbohydrates 86.1 g
- of which sugars 80.2 g
Protein 0.7 g
Salt 0.1 g

Product ingredients

Sugar, glucose syrup, water, hydrogenated vegetable fat, glazing polish: E413, vegetable oil, humectant: E422, citric acid, vanillin. May contain hazelnuts, almonds, soy and egg.

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Garance bezplatného vrácení zboží

Nepadlo vám zboží "do ruky"? Koupili jste příliš mnoho nebo se nehodí barevný odstín? Nevadí. Díky našemu programu Garance bezplatného vrácení zboží můžete vaši zásilku vrátit v klasické lhůtě 14 dní od okamžiku, kdy jste ji obdrželi a to zcela bezplatně jednou. A je jedno, zda zcela odstupujete od smlouvy, vracíte jen část objednávky nebo třeba reklamujete. 

Jak funguje Garance bezplatného vrácení zboží? 

  • Pokud reklamujete (např. poškozené zboží) - nejprve si prosím vytiskněte a vyplňte tento reklamační protokol - reklamace se řídí mj. reklamačním řádem
  • Pokud odstupujete od smlouvy do 14 dní od obdržení zásilky - vytiskněte si prosím a vyplňte formulář, který najdete zde.

Balíček spolu s vyplněným formulářem pečlivě zabalte, tak, ať nedojde k poškození při přepravě a napište nám mailem na nebo zavolejte v pracovní dny od 8  do 16 na tel 555 222 801.

My vám mailem zašleme zpětný lístek do Zásilkovny, ten pak nalepte na zásilku a doneste do nejbližšího místa osobního odběru. Jejich seznam najdete zde. Balíček s nalepeným lístkem jednoduše přineste a na naše náklady jej dopravíme k nám do centrálního skladu. 

Po doručení zboží (obvykle do týdne), vám zasíláme nové zboží nebo peníze na účet napsaný na vámi zaslaném formuláři. 

V případě, že nechcete využít služby Garance bezplatného vrácení výrobku, zašlete prosím zásilku na adresu:

PNM International s.r.o.
U1 - Průmyslový park Karviná
Závodní 540/51
735 06 Karviná - Nové Město

Tel pro kurýra/poštu: 603 33 77 55

Zásilky nezasílejte jako dobírku, nevyžádané dobírky nepřijímáme a proces vrácení by se vám tak zbytečně prodražil.

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