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Enamel cast-iron baking mould for a rondo sponge cake Retro

A big enamel rondo cake baking mould from high-quality Czech cast iron.

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Enamel cast-iron baking mould for a rondo sponge cake Retro
Enamel cast-iron baking mould for a rondo sponge cake Retro
Availability: Available at 2 weeks
Price: 119.64 €

A big enamel rondo cake baking mould from high-quality Czech cast iron.

Enamel rondo sponge cake baking mould is made of grey cast iron, which is enameled with two-layer food grade enamel. It is mostly a replica of historical mould. Apart from its excellent baking qualities, these tins can also make a beautiful decoration, and therefore make an original gift.

Enamel dishes and tins has been used already since the end of the 19th century. They have become popular especially for their unusual resistance to high temperatures and general mechanical wear and tear. Enamel is a siliceous melt, just like glass or porcelain, which can form a glossy and soft surface on metal, in this case on cast-iron. Its maintenance is easy and it can endure for long decades without changing its colour or gloss. It is rather fragile, therefore you should be careful about big shocks of falls on firm surfaces. Enamel conducts heat well and evenly around the whole tin, it has excellent thermal properties and therefore it saves energy. Enamel is dishwasher safe.  

Mould size: 

  • diameter: 27 cm
  • height: 10.5 cm

Colour: red

If you wish you can also order the tin in other colour varieties: dark blue, also light blue, orange, light and dark green, black, white, yellow or brown. In case of ordering other than the red colour, you need to allow for a longer delivery time.




Material Cast Iron, Enamel
This product is included in: Bábovky Cake forms Luxury forms
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