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FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes Lactose Free - Low Sugar 500g

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Lactose free Low sugar
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FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes Lactose Free - Low Sugar 500g
FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes Lactose Free - Low Sugar 500g
Availability: Unavailable
Price: 5.07 €

FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes Lactose Free - Low Sugar - Bake beautiful cupcakes that are perfect for decorating with this low sugar FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes.

Bake beautiful cupcakes that are perfect for decorating with this low sugar FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes. This mix is lactose free and contains 40% less sugar compared to the regular FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes.

Do you prefer to bake a loaf cake? Than you can use this mix as well to bake a lactose free cake with less sugar!

Preparation: Preheat the oven to 180°C (convection oven 160°C). Ingredients need to be at room temperature. For 20-24 cupcakes: 500 g mix, 250 g (cream) butter and 5 eggs (250 g). Mix the ingredients on low speed for 4 minutes to a smooth batter. Line a muffin pan with paper baking cups, use an icecream scoop to half fill the cups with batter. Bake the cupcakes in the oven for approx. 18-20 minutes. 

Content: 500 gram.


Preparation: Preheat the oven to 180°C (convection oven 160°C). Ingredients need to be at room temperature. For 20-24 cupcakes: 500 g mix, 250 g (cream) butter and 5 eggs (250 g). Mix the ingredients on low speed for 4 minutes to a smooth batter. Line a muffin pan with paper baking cups, use an icecream scoop to half fill the cups with batter. Bake the cupcakes in the oven for approx. 18-20 minutes. 

Tip: add a pinch of salt and/or a FunCakes flavouring of your choice, such as lemon or orange. Can also be used to bake a cake: bake at 160°C (convection oven 140°C) for approx. 70-75 minutes.

Weight 550 g
Netto váha 500 g
This product is included in: Mixtures and preparations

Average nutritional values in 100 g

Energy value 1377 kJ
Energy value 329 kcal
Fat 1.1 g
- of which saturated fatty acids 0.6 g
Carbohydrates 63.3 g
- of which sugars 29.5 g
Protein 5 g
Salt 0.9 g

Product ingredients

Wheat flour, sugar, chicory fiber, raising agent: E450, E500, starch (rice), emulsifier: E475, E471, preservative: E202, thickener: E415, natural flavouring, colour: E160b. For allergens, see ingredients in bold. May contain traces of: eggsoymilk and lupin. This product is lactose free and Halal certified.

Alergeny (vč. možné křížové kontaminace) Obiloviny obsahující lepek, Vejce, Sójové boby (sója), Mléko, Vlčí bob (lupina)

Dietary requirements, restrictions

Výrobce deklaruje Neobsahuje laktózu (Lactose free), Snížený obsah cukru (Low Sugar) nebo bez cukru

The FunCakes brand was founded in February 2009. The company is part of NewCakes BV, based in Wormer in the north of the Netherlands. FunCakes sells an extensive range of ingredients and products for baking, decorating and coating cakes, muffins and other delicacies. In particular, our range includes the very popular coloured rolled fondant and marzipan, but also edible food colours, powders and gels, as well as the increasingly popular speciality food mixes - gluten-free, lactose-reduced or sugar-reduced.

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U1 - Průmyslový park Karviná
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