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Lucky Lantern - Red Heart 33x83x90 cm

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Lucky Lantern - Red Heart 33x83x90 cm
Lucky Lantern - Red Heart 33x83x90 cm
Availability: Unavailable
Price: 1.44 €

Happiness Lantern - Heart RED 33x83x90 cm - Wedding / Valentine's Day

Attractive flying lantern in the shape of a heart. The paper lantern will take off after being sufficiently filled with hot air, which flows from a lit fuel cube attached to the bottom of the lantern (after the cube burns out, the lantern will gradually sink to the ground).

Card pompons have their origins in China, where as early as around 100 AD they were used as a means of informing army units of the enemy's position. Flying lanterns were gradually used by local people to communicate with the gods. By releasing the lantern, they would rid themselves of their sins and worries and believed that their lives would be filled with happiness and wealth in the future. It is no wonder that this magical ritual has gained great popularity in our country. So choose the right colour, write your wishes on the lantern and send them to the heavens!

Lanterns of good luck can be released on various occasions and celebrations such as birthdays, weddings, corporate parties, festivals and anniversaries. The flying lantern will also make sure you have a romantic occasion on Valentine's Day. And don't forget it for New Year's celebrations! In short, any time is the right time to make our wishes come true.

Flying lanterns are made of rice paper that is attached to a bamboo frame. The hoop is woven into a cross with a wire in the center of which is a loop for attaching the torch. The card lantern floats on the base of a hot air balloon. When the torch is lit, the lantern fills with hot air and floats upwards. The flight time is about 20 minutes and it can rise up to a height of one kilometre. Detailed Czech instructions for use including safety instructions are included in each package.

Dimensions approx: height 90 cm, width 83 cm, diameter 33 cm.


Weight 70 g
Party theme Wedding, Heart - Valentine's Day
Color Red
This product is included in: Wedding Valentine's Day Funny toys, accessories
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Jak funguje Garance bezplatného vrácení zboží? 

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My vám mailem zašleme zpětný lístek do Zásilkovny, ten pak nalepte na zásilku a doneste do nejbližšího místa osobního odběru. Jejich seznam najdete zde. Balíček s nalepeným lístkem jednoduše přineste a na naše náklady jej dopravíme k nám do centrálního skladu. 

Po doručení zboží (obvykle do týdne), vám zasíláme nové zboží nebo peníze na účet napsaný na vámi zaslaném formuláři. 

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PNM International s.r.o.
U1 - Průmyslový park Karviná
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735 06 Karviná - Nové Město

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